Ladies and Gentleman, we have a crawler! It took Kaylee a really long time, but she is finally on the move. She was so frustrated - her mind was telling her she should do it but she just couldn't get all the parts going together. So we are all glad she finally figured it out. Life is a little less...scream-y. Here is a video of when she first started:
Watch Kaylee Crawl!
Kaylee also continues to love to babble. All babble, all the time. Besides her "mama" and "da-da" she has adding whispering and "nyeah" and "da-da-da-DAH!". She has learned to blow two different kinds of raspberries: one with the tongue and one with just her lips. She also starting going "muah" and blowing spit bubbles at the same time. And lastly, she know makes this clicking sounds with her tongue. She sounds like she's speaking that African click language. I played a video for her of someone speaking Xhosa and she started clicking back! Funny girl. Someday I will have all of these on video.
I had a very nice first Mother's Day. Kaylee and I had brunch with my mom, my mother in law, my grandma-in-law, aunt-in-law and sister-in-law. Then Lance hung out with his mom and watched Kaylee while I went shopping with my sister-in-law Ashley. We haven't hung out just the two of us in a long time, so it was really fun. Then my mom and dad came over to watch Kaylee so Lance and I could have a date. We ate sushi, did a little wine tasting and then watched a movie. Let the record state that I passed up on a massage to hang out with my husband. :)
We've had some fun times with my mom's group too. The ladies left the babies at home with the husbands and we had dinner at the Purple Cafe. It was really nice to get a little dressed up and hang out. The wine didn't hurt either. We also had a get together with the husbands and babies so they could all meet each other finally! It was a lot of fun to get to know the husbands. We had a good time.
School is almost over for the quarter. I have to take some classes in the Summer but it isn't a full load. I'm looking forward to a little break...although summer is already so busy! June is going to be full of stuff: birthdays, father's day, and a trip to the Olympic Peninsula. :)