Tuesday, June 28, 2011

11 months - let the countdown begin!

One more month and my little baby is not going to be a baby anymore!  How did that happen?! 

Birthday Celebrants (and Kaylee)
We've had an exciting month with lots of celebrations.  On June 10th, we celebrated Lance's sister Ashley's 21st birthday.  We weren't brave enough to go out with her, but we did go to the Redhook Brewery for a tour and then out for Mexican.  Next time we hope she won't be so hungover!   Lance celebrated his first father's day.  We had lunch with his parents and grandparents who were visiting from out of town.  Then he went golfing with a friend who was also celebrating his first father's day!  I also turned 30 this year.  Eek!  (Again, how did that happen?!)  We had a big party on the 17th at the Museum of Flight to celebrate Ashley's 21st, my 30th and Lance's Grandpa's 80th.  It was really neat - it was "Helicopter Day" so we had a great view of all the helicopters and got to watch them take off.

Hanging out at the Lodge
On my actual birthday (the 22nd), Lance, Kaylee and I left for our vacation to the Olympic Peninsula.   The original plan was the camp at Deception Pass the first night, camp at Sol Duc the second and then spend the remaining two nights at Lake Quinault Lodge.  The weather, however, proved a little threatening, so we decided to play it safe and stay in hotels instead.  So we spent the first night in Port Townsend at a neat hotel called the Palace Hotel that was in an old bordello.  I love kitschy hotels!  It was actually very nice, right downtown and fairly inexpensive.  The second day we headed to Port Angeles after checking out Port Townsend.  We explored Hurricane Ridge and then ended up having dinner with Lance's uncle who was working in Port Ludlow.  It was fun to meet up with him!  The third day we took off to Quinault with stops at Lake Crescent, Hoh Rainforest, and Ruby Beach.  The 4th day, we hiked around Lake Quinault and enjoyed some down time at the Lodge.  A glass of wine on a sunny day?  Yes please!  On the last day, we stopped off at a couple of the World's Largest Trees while driving a nice scenic loop around the lake.  Finally we stopped off at Northwest Trek on the way back and then finally home!  Whew!  Kaylee did really really well - actually better than we expected and makes us breathe a little easier for our road trip through Oregon in September. 
Baby Jail

Daddy and Baby Slug
I wish I could say I had the summer off, but I am taking two classes.  At least it will be a little less work than usual.  And then I get almost two months off before fall quarter...which looks...challenging. 

My Little Gremlin
Kaylee is a busy busy girl!  She LOVES crawling and is starting to pull herself up on the couch and ottoman.  Nothing is safe anymore!  It can be a little frustrating, but it is expected.  She is also getting her top two teeth. They've cut through and are working their way out.  I think she is working on the next two because she is teething like mad.  Heaven help us all. 

4th of July is approaching and I am interested to see how she handles the fireworks.  I'm not sure she will love them.  And then on to her first birthday!!! Ack!