Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Year, New House, New Job!

We've had quite the busy month!  Let's break it down:


This year was fun since Kaylee was so much more aware of everything.  She really liked the tree and all the lights.  But she did not like Santa!  Santa was a complete no go.  Her toddler group put on a party where Santa came to visit and gave each little kid a gift.  Kaylee wanted no part in this.  She shrunk back against as far as she could and then burst out sobbing when we got to close.  Needless to say, I did not make her sit on Santa's lap this year!

Toddler Proofed Tree!
Christmas Eve with Grandma!
  Kaylee also was only interested in one or two gifts...she actually told me "no" when I tried to get her to open more.  This will be the only year THAT will happen!  But she got some presents she is really excited about:  a little baby doll with a crib and a doll stroller, mini pots and pans and cooking utensils and a little cupboard to put them in, a little kid laptop, a little golf set, a little keyboard, a pull toy doggie, a wagon and a trike!
Giving her baby water.
Checking out the new cupboard


The Naugles moved!  We are renting a new place in Kirkland (about 5 minutes from where we used to live), but we have so much more space!  We have gained a bedroom, a living room, a full sized bathroom, yard, two car garage and storage shed!

Kaylee checks out the new digs

It is so nice to have the space and Kaylee loves to be able run around the whole house!  She is a much happier toddler.  Plus there is a private park about two blocks away and there is an elementary school right behind our house.

Playing at the new playground!


I will be joining the ranks of the employed once again!  I got a job at the UW as a program assistant for the Toxicology and DEOHS.  Basically I'm a gopher, but I'm excited about it.  I'll be working with a good friend of mine, so that always makes it fun!  Kaylee will start going to daycare, but she is going to be in a class with a little playmate of hers and the teacher teaches them Spanish!  Kaylee seemed to like the teacher and classroom.  Finding a daycare is stressful, so I'm glad when found one everyone likes.  I'm starting next week!  Eek!