Friday, July 30, 2010

Kaylee Arrives!

Well, we made it!  After 39 weeks of pregnancy, Kaylee Summer made her grand entrance into the world.  We had a long labor, but a quick delivery!  It is hard to believe that she is actually here and we are officially "Mommy" and "Daddy" now.  Everyone is doing very well...Kaylee is healthy as can be and I am recovering well.  Lance is loving cuddling with his daughter.  The dog and cat have been fairly oblivious to the baby, but I have a feeling they aren't super impressed.  :)

Below is our birth is fairly long just as a warning!

On Friday July 23rd I went into my acupuncture appointment for an induction series.  I was hoping to perhaps “help” things along since my last doctor’s appointment did not show any changes.  The acupuncture for induction doesn’t necessarily make you go into labor, but it is supposed to help “ripen” the body.
I woke up with some contractions early Saturday morning, but they stopped after a couple hours so I was happy that there now seemed to be some progress.  We went about the rest of the day as normal, but around 11pm I started having contractions again.  When they became more regular and were 1-1 ½ long, 5 minutes apart for about an hour we called the hospital to see if we should come in or not.  The nurse asked if I could talk during the contractions (no) and whether my water had broke (again no).  She said we should probably come in and get checked out.  We got to the hospital about 2:40am and I was checked into triage.  They monitored my contractions for awhile but by this point they were starting to become more irregular and I was only dilated about 1 1/2 centimeters.  They advised that we should probably go home for awhile especially if I wanted to try for a natural birth because they would be more likely to “do things to me” if I stayed.  I was instructed to wait until the contractions were again 1-1 1/2 minutes long, 3-5 minutes apart or if my water broke. 
We got back home around 4:30am and I took a warm bath and got some sleep.  But for the rest of Saturday I was still experiencing contractions.  They never really changed and always remained the same as the night before.  My hypnobirth classes really helped during this time.  I focused on remaining relaxed and calm.  I tried not to tense up while experiencing the contractions and to focus on breathing through them.  I trusted in my body and to do what I thought it needed at the time.  I basically just wanted to sit in Lance’s lazy boy chair with a hot pad on my back for the back labor pain and be in a quiet space.  I was actually able to sleep quite a bit.  I would sleep, wake up for a contraction, breath through it and then fall back asleep.  I was actually doing pretty well.  I could usually “get ahead” of the contractions and start my breathing before they crested and manage the pain pretty well. We spent 20 hours doing this! The contractions just never became more intense or closer together until about 11pm Sunday night.   
Finally when the contractions were just starting to get more intense and a little closer together, we called the hospital again at 12am to see if we should come back.  We didn’t know if we should be concerned that it was taking so long or what we should do really.  They said we could come back in and get rechecked.  Pretty as soon as Lance got off the phone, the contractions became incredibly intense and painful and were not stopping.  Looking back, I see that I went into “transition”, but at the time I had no idea what was happening.  I was having a much harder time breathing through the pain and having to move to go to the hospital made it all the more difficult because I couldn’t distraction myself very well.  We took about 40 minutes to make a ten minute drive because I was having so many contractions that I couldn’t get to the car!  At this point, I was really worried that they were going to tell me that I was only 4 cm dilated and I had hours and hours to go.  I told Lance that I wanted some pain medication because I didn’t think I could make it through the contractions for that long.  We got to the hospital and I had to have them bring me a wheelchair because I couldn’t make it down the hall.  I could barely change into the gown or move or anything really.  Finally they got me into triage and I was able to calm myself a bit and start to breath through the contractions again and manage the pain better.  I told them I needed “drugs” and they asked me if I would want an epidural and I emphatically said no.  I was just really worried I would be stuck here forever which is why I even thought I wanted the pain medication.  They checked me and I was 7 cm dilated.  I could have cried I was so relieved.  At this point my water broke (at 1:20am) and they told me I just bought myself an overnight stay. 
They moved me from triage to my room (which I barely remember) and hooked up the monitors.  They started to prep me for an IV but were having trouble getting my veins to pop out.  And all the sudden I had this urge to push.  At this point, I just let my body take over.  I am even really sure who was where and what was going on around me.  I DID remember to breath through each push and to remain relaxed.  All the time, that was what I was focused on…breathing out and not tensing up.  The nurses noticed I was pushing and asked me if I was feeling the urge.  I told them yes and they said, “just do small pushes…lets get the doctor here.”  I remember thinking “what the hell is a small push?!”  They checked me again and I said I was fully dilated and effaced.  I thought “yay, maybe now they won’t insist on small pushes”.  I opened my eyes at one point and saw Dr. Morrell had arrived and was sitting on the couch reading my chart.  I thought “um, don’t you want to be where all the drama is?”  I pushed a couple more times and the nurse put up the stirrups so I knew I had to be close.  A couple more pushes and Dr. Morrell said to open my eyes and look down.  And holy!  There was my baby!  Dr. Morrell said to reach down and take her and I just kind of stared at her…it was so surreal.  Finally I put my hands on her and brought her up to my chest.  She was born 49 minutes after my water broke.  I had really expected the whole “ring of fire” experience but I didn’t find it hurt that much.  And I only tore a little bit, so that was a relief as well. 
I could hear that my mom, Lance’s mom and sister and my friend Stefany had arrived.  I asked the nurses if Lance could hold her because I knew that he was dying to hold her.  They let him take her out to meet everyone while I got stitched up and cleaned up.  The nurses and doctor kept complimenting me on how well I did and how “in control” I was.  I hadn’t thought I was that in control, but looking back I think I had a better handle on it that I previously thought.  The hypnobirthing training was probably my saving grace because I learned to keep relaxed, calm, unafraid and to trust in my body’s ability to deliver my baby. 
I also have to say that Lance was absolutely amazing through the whole thing.  He was always very attentive and for the most part gave me a lot of space but was always right there when I needed something.  And he especially great once I hit transition because he was always there, holding my hand which really seemed to ground me and help keep me focused and breathing.  And the few times I forgot to breath, he would just say “breathe, remember breathe”.  He seemed to be able to intuitively know what I needed. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

38 Weeks and What Do You Get?

A whole lotta nothin!

But that's ok...Kaylee isn't quite ready to make she grand entrance so we patiently wait. But now that I am so close my motivation to be really active has gone down the drain. We are just in the hurry up and wait mode and I'm perfectly happy waiting on the couch. I seriously don't know how women used to work in the field when they were 9 months pregnant. Good the kitchen wears me out!

So I spend an ungodly amount of time online. I made my peace with it so I don't even feel guilty about it. But Facebook, email and trashy gossip sites only can entertain one for so long. I was in need of a hobby and preferably the laziest (and cheapest) hobby I could find. And boy did that rule out a lot of ideas! Goodbye baking! Too hot anyways. Goodbye sewing! I don't even own a sewing machine anyways. Goodbye competitive poodle grooming! I'm crazy...but not THAT crazy.

So I have recently stumbled upon my new obsession. Giveaways and Freebies! Now before you say, "wait...I thought you weren't THAT crazy" let me say that I have a few caveats. I haven't turned into that stay at home mom with the crazy gleam in her eye as she obsessively and compulsively enters Sweepstakes, clips coupons for products she doesn't use and has a closet full of freebies of vitamins and tampons. I only sent away for Freebies I would actually use...for example I got a free bag of Nurtura dog food that I plan to donate to the Humane Society. The giveaways are even more fun...there are SO many "Mommy" sites that get products to review and then have an extra to giveaway to people that read their blog. It takes me 5 minutes, I don't have to sign up for anything and these blogs are run by stay at home moms that keep their eyes out for fun new products. I haven't won anything....yet. Remember positive thoughts beget positive results. :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

37 Weeks - the official countdown begins!

Well folks we made it to full term and little Kaylee can arrive at any time! We've taken all of our prenatal classes, we've finished the room (see pics), and we've packed our bag for the hospital and installed the car seat. Now....we wait - haha!

I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and there hasn't been a change. Which is ok with me. I am happy any time she decides to come, although I would like to make it past Lance's birthday on the 19th so it is probably a good thing there hasn't been any progress.

My round ligament pain has abated luckily so I've turned into a much happier person. I was getting pretty whiny about it...but really, is that pain necessary? No. :)

My appetite has definitely increased...just when I think I've had my fill, I just have to wait an hour and then I can start all over. It is pretty amazing actually!

Tune in next week! I'll be starting my "induction" acupuncture series, so it will interesting to see what (if any) progress comes of that.

Weird Preggo Stuff
: The amount of pain you can be in one day, but not the next. Stupid ligaments.

Mind Blowing Thought of the Week
: Baby could come any time!

What I miss: Being able to walk without a waddle.

What is exciting
: How excited Lance is getting. He is going to be such a good daddy. He said "Hello Daughter" to my tummy the other day...melted my heart.

Upcoming Events: Acupuncture...staying busy...playing in the baby's room :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

36 Weeks!

So here we are in the last is so hard to believe that Kaylee could come at any time. Granted I have a few weeks to go...but you never know! We have been busy busy busy getting everything ready. The baby's room is thisclose to being done! All the clothes and bedding are washed, everything is unwrapped, and all essential items are purchased. I am just waiting for a couple things to arrive in the mail and I PROMISE pictures!!

I have been feeling pretty good, but getting around is definitely a challenge. Not only am I slower than a BP oil spill cleanup, but I have been having pretty severe round ligament pain. I find this the most frustrating part because there is a lot I want to do, but I am pretty limited by it. It is hard to nest with stabbing pains! Actually I take it back...the most frustrating thing is there is really nothing I can do about it. But, I have been lucky in that I am sleep well still and while I am tired I feel rested at least. I have managed to avoid a lot of heartburn/indigestion/reflux and my blood pressure is still very good.

I have been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions and occasionally an actual contraction. Those will stop you in your tracks...I love how they always seem to happen while I am in the middle of making dinner, or in a store. But there has been progress according to my doctor. They didn't expect to find a soft cervix, but the BH contractions are doing their job apparently! I am now on a weekly doctor visit schedule, so stay tuned for cervix progress - lucky people you! Haha!!

What the baby is doing: Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath

Weird Preggo Stuff: Braxton Hicks contractions are the strangest sensation. I actually could SEE my belly hardening in the shower the other day. Weird.

Mind Blowing Thought of the Week
: I just bought milk that was dated past my due date. Huh.

What I miss: Having some choice in is sad when people realize I am wearing the same thing I wore the last time they saw me.

What is exciting: Finally, finally finally being done with the baby's was a long time coming!!

Upcoming Events: Enjoying the hot weather. I plan to soak in our pool a lot!