Tuesday, July 6, 2010

36 Weeks!

So here we are in the last month...it is so hard to believe that Kaylee could come at any time. Granted I have a few weeks to go...but you never know! We have been busy busy busy getting everything ready. The baby's room is thisclose to being done! All the clothes and bedding are washed, everything is unwrapped, and all essential items are purchased. I am just waiting for a couple things to arrive in the mail and I PROMISE pictures!!

I have been feeling pretty good, but getting around is definitely a challenge. Not only am I slower than a BP oil spill cleanup, but I have been having pretty severe round ligament pain. I find this the most frustrating part because there is a lot I want to do, but I am pretty limited by it. It is hard to nest with stabbing pains! Actually I take it back...the most frustrating thing is there is really nothing I can do about it. But, I have been lucky in that I am sleep well still and while I am tired I feel rested at least. I have managed to avoid a lot of heartburn/indigestion/reflux and my blood pressure is still very good.

I have been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions and occasionally an actual contraction. Those will stop you in your tracks...I love how they always seem to happen while I am in the middle of making dinner, or in a store. But there has been progress according to my doctor. They didn't expect to find a soft cervix, but the BH contractions are doing their job apparently! I am now on a weekly doctor visit schedule, so stay tuned for cervix progress - lucky people you! Haha!!

What the baby is doing: Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath

Weird Preggo Stuff: Braxton Hicks contractions are the strangest sensation. I actually could SEE my belly hardening in the shower the other day. Weird.

Mind Blowing Thought of the Week
: I just bought milk that was dated past my due date. Huh.

What I miss: Having some choice in clothing...it is sad when people realize I am wearing the same thing I wore the last time they saw me.

What is exciting: Finally, finally finally being done with the baby's room...it was a long time coming!!

Upcoming Events: Enjoying the hot weather. I plan to soak in our pool a lot!


  1. Yeah the "buying things that expire after your due date" is always a weird reality check. :)

  2. I had that same ligament pain pregnant with my 5th....its always embarassing when you are grocery shopping and you double over groaning people think you are in labor LOL There's no cure for it either =( Your baby gift has been babysat by my spare dishes...I REALLY need to get it to you! Cute BELLY SHAN! MUAHAHAHA
