Monday, November 1, 2010

Kaylee's First Halloween

Halloween Party at our friend's house in Bellingham.  Kaylee was great - she slept the whole way there and back and we managed to put her down to sleep at Niki's house too!  Success!  Kaylee had fun checking out all the different looks and meeting a baby Yoda!

 Kaylee wishing everyone a Happy Halloween!!

Dress up day at Baby Yoga!
 Dress up day at Baby class!

Kaylee at her first pumpkin patch.  She wasn't too interested and the sun was bright.  But we enjoyed it!!

Our little pumpkin!

Daddy had fun posing her with pumpkins.  Lucky baby!

Halloween is sure is fun, but so exhausting!


  1. Very cute, love all the yoga babies.Thanks for entering my giveaway, best of luck!

  2. oh wow...such a cute little pumpkin! Absolutely adorable!

    I'm having a giveaway at,
    if you'd like to enter!

    Love Missy
