Sunday, January 30, 2011

6 months?!?! Where did the time go?

Well, we've managed to keep Kaylee alive for 6 months now.  And we are on a steady march towards her first birthday.  Scary!

Kaylee's eczema is clearing up nicely.  Between the lotion, cod liver oil, peplic, probiotics, and organic formula, she is not too itchy at all!  And she doesn't have scaly, blotchy patches.  Yay!  We liked the naturopath so much that we actually switched over to them.  It is so much more relaxed and I feel like the doctor actually has time to listen to me.  Dr. Anna does everything - measuring, weighing, vaccinations, etc.  So she actually spends the whole appointment with us.  And I feel like it gels better with my philosophies as well.

First bite of solid foods!
We've starting Kaylee on solids.  I went to a baby food making party with the other moms I hang out with.  Each of us brought a fruit/vegetable and we steamed them and pureed them.  Then we divided up the goods and we are now well stocked.  Kaylee's tried spinach, pears, apples, sweet potatoes and carrots.  Sweet Potatoes were by far the favorite, with pears a close second. 

Kaylee also got to participate in a early childhood cognitive study at the UW.  She wasn't that excited about it, but she did like she got to pick out a toy!  She was in a pretty bad mood that day, but the UW people didn't seem to mind.

Kaylee is continuing her baby yoga, and I've added a "mom and me" yoga class.  Yoga for me, but Kaylee comes along.  We'll see how this goes....haha!  I've also been adding swimming into my schedule.  It is had to find the time and still have enough time to homework, but I continue to try to balance everything.  Some days I feel like I am going 100 miles per hour. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 Months! Whew.

Wow - it has been a very busy month!  Not only did I have finals at the beginning of December but then we got hit by the Christmas freight train.  It was awesome, fun and exhausting.  I never thought I would say I am kind of happy to be back to our school/work schedule.  :) 

My first full quarter went really well - I managed to pull out all A's.  Yay me!  I just started up my second quarter with Intermediate Algebra, Anthropology of American Life and Data Mining.  I am taking all online classes, which I think will work out well for me.  I like having the ability to work at my own pace and not deal with annoying people. I tend to get antsy in class. I just hope I can "self learn" the math ok.

Lance is also starting up school again.  He is taking one night class.  It could get interesting between the both of us trying to do homework while entertaining the little one.  But I am very thankful and lucky to have the help I do with my mom and Lance's mom watching Kaylee during the day so I hope I can do most of my homework during the day. 
Here doggy doggy!

Kaylee is so much fun right now.  She is becoming really aware of her surroundings.  She just noticed the cat and dog and will watch them from across the room and reach for them.  Lucky animals - haha!  She is also VERY aware of where Mommy is at all times.  But my favorite thing is how much she smiles at us.  She just looks so very happy to be our baby.  This is really nice because when she is 14 she will probably be telling us how much she hates us and how we are ruining her life! 

Indigo getting kisses from her baby cousin
Christmas was so much fun.  Lance's dad, stepmom, sister, brother in law and niece all came into town the week before Christmas.  It was the first time since our wedding we were all together and the first time ever that the babies were together.  Our niece, Indigo, is one year older than Kaylee to the day!  It was fun to see Lance's parents get to meet their granddaughters for the first time.  And for once Kaylee was not the center of attention! 

Christmas was split between Lance's mom and my family and was a whirlwind three days.  But Kaylee was appropriately spoiled, so she didn't mind. 

Evidence of Kaylee's spoilage
So begins a New Year!  Considering how much happened over the past year (Europe, house remodel, baby, lay offs, going back to school) I am excited to see what 2011 brings.  I'm not big on resolutions, but I do have some goals in mind.  Two simple ones in fact.  One is to spend 30 minutes a day picking up the house.  I really believe if I do this then I will less stressed out about the house being messy.  And 30 minutes is much more achievable then letting stuff pile up and then freak out and have to spend 2 hours cleaning.  The second one is to add in yoga and swimming to my days.  I would like to do some kind of activity 3 days a week.  Not just to lose baby weight (although a much needed bonus) but also just to feel stronger.  Pregnancy really weakened by body and I am ready to reclaim it.  Wish me luck!