A whole lotta nothin!
But that's ok...Kaylee isn't quite ready to make she grand entrance so we patiently wait. But now that I am so close my motivation to be really active has gone down the drain. We are just in the hurry up and wait mode and I'm perfectly happy waiting on the couch. I seriously don't know how women used to work in the field when they were 9 months pregnant. Good lord...cleaning the kitchen wears me out!
So I spend an ungodly amount of time online. I made my peace with it so I don't even feel guilty about it. But Facebook, email and trashy gossip sites only can entertain one for so long. I was in need of a hobby and preferably the laziest (and cheapest) hobby I could find. And boy did that rule out a lot of ideas! Goodbye baking! Too hot anyways. Goodbye sewing! I don't even own a sewing machine anyways. Goodbye competitive poodle grooming! I'm crazy...but not THAT crazy.
So I have recently stumbled upon my new obsession. Giveaways and Freebies! Now before you say, "wait...I thought you weren't THAT crazy" let me say that I have a few caveats. I haven't turned into that stay at home mom with the crazy gleam in her eye as she obsessively and compulsively enters Sweepstakes, clips coupons for products she doesn't use and has a closet full of freebies of vitamins and tampons. I only sent away for Freebies I would actually use...for example I got a free bag of Nurtura dog food that I plan to donate to the Humane Society. The giveaways are even more fun...there are SO many "Mommy" sites that get products to review and then have an extra to giveaway to people that read their blog. It takes me 5 minutes, I don't have to sign up for anything and these blogs are run by stay at home moms that keep their eyes out for fun new products. I haven't won anything....yet. Remember positive thoughts beget positive results. :)
Well you just won something my friend!!! You won ALL NATURAL & ECO FRIENDLY HAND SOAP on my blog The Dill-io!!!!