Very Exciting Week!
The bean and I had a lot of adventure this week...we took a trip to Colorado to visit Auntie Niki. The baby sure did enjoy the fresh mountain air! Niki took the baby on its hike in the Rockies. Well, "hike" may be a bit of an overstatement, but it was a beautiful walk around a couple of frozen lakes.
We also had our 13 week appointment. So far the baby and I are "textbook", which is great to hear. We had some testing for Down's syndrome, which included another ultrasound. While we weren't too worried about anything being wrong with the baby, we did like the idea of another ultrasound. It is really looking like a baby now! (S)he had their legs crossed and was just chillin' in the womb. So cute. (I've attached a picture above, along with my belly shot. I am definitely an "early shower"!!)
What the baby is doing: By 13 weeks pregnant your baby's intestines are working on maturing and your baby's tiny pancreas is working hard to produce insulin. This will help your baby regulate her blood sugar levels in the months and years following delivery. During pregnancy week 13 your baby's eyes also start to move closer to the center of your baby's head
Weird Preggo Stuff: I've been craving ketchup. I've been eating fries just so I can have something to go with the ketchup.
Mind Blowing Thought of the Week: I only gained 8 pounds in my first trimester?! Awesome.
What I miss: Beer/Wine Tasting...I missed out on some good opportunities in tapping the Rockies with Coors for me!
What is exciting: Seeing the baby on the ultrasound, crib shopping.
Upcoming Events: Picking out nursery furniture and remodel supplies!
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